Theatre Of Dreams : A History Of Dudley Hippodrome (Paperback)
David Harrison, design by Alan Hughes
Product Details
112 pagesPublisher:
Geoffrey Publications (May 2, 2018)ISBN-10:
978-1999671914Product Description
From the ashes of its burned-out predecessor, the Opera House, Dudley Hippodrome rose and was launched as ‘England’s Most Modern Variety Theatre.’ It was an appropriate label to be attached to a breath-taking building which was equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and lighting, an eye-catching façade in Art Deco style and luxury, ornate fittings.
More than is elegant structure, however, the theatre was to bring life and vibrancy to this corner of the Black Country. For more than three decades, the lives of local folk and many from further beyond the region’s boundaries were enriched by an array of live entertainment brought to the stage by stars from around the globe.
This story of a Theatre of Dreams traces its rise in popularity, celebrates its glory years, shares the memories of performers and audiences alike and examines its fall from grace. Whatever its fate, the Hippodrome has left an unforgettable heritage which will remain a crucial part of Black Country history.